Achieving your 2020 Vision. 20 actions for sustained success
How will you achieve your own 2020 vision? Amongst my Executive Coaching clients I have the opportunity to work with so many impressive people. Here are some common thoughts and traits bringing sustained success…
Have an absolute passion for what you do. Working hard feels good that way and sustained success takes effort. Enjoy what you do for the clear majority of the time. If you don’t change it - life is short
Like an athlete, practice doing the right things well even on days when putting your head under the duvet is so tempting
Solve problems before they arise and fix those that do before they grow
Know what you want from any interaction and aim not to leave the room/call/chat until you have achieved that or at a minimum progress towards it.
Seek personal feedback. Be honest with yourself and choose objectively which feedback to internalise and act on
Remain on top of the detail as well as the strategy
Do what you say you will do when you say you will. Whether it is a promise to yourself or to anyone else. On rare occasions when you can’t, let people know in advance.
Be really clear OF what you want to achieve and how you will do it. Write it down, measure and display progress in a way that is highly visible to you.
Celebrate success along the way. Reward yourself
See the positives, the opportunities in situations. Remain curious and open to emerging opportunities.
Keep issues in perspective.
Accept that mistakes occasionally happen, learn fast, don’t repeat, move on
Take care of your physical and mental good health - long term unnecessary stress creates more than just wrinkles. Make time to relax, have fun.
Have clear personal standards/values and live by these, life feels better that way
Choose your thoughts wisely and the company you keep
Remain compassionate and empathetic
Know that the harder and smarter you work the luckier you will become
Understand who you value, make sure they know it too
Recognise that time really is your most precious asset, choose wisely how you spend it and how you charge for it
Be you, your real self, you are your own expert
These are all simple actions, after all simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. We hope you find some a useful reminder.
We’d love to support you to achieve your own 2020 vision, whether that is by providing Executive Coaching, Consultancy, Project Management, Training or Interim leadership. Do get in touch: It’s good to talk